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The heartbeat of every tree

Anyone who cares about trees will find the information from this sensor system useful for keeping them healthy.

The heartbeat of every tree

Iedereen die om bomen geeft, zal de informatie uit dit TreeTag sensorsysteem nuttig vinden om ze gezond te houden.

TreeTag inzichten binnen handbereik

Wherever you are, you always have access to the data that is securely stored in the cloud.

And you are the first to know when a tree has something to say.

Internet-of-Plants in the most accessible way.

Een Boom Veiligheids Contole (BVC) levert een visuele assessment op elke 6 maand tot 5 jaar. In de tussentijd kan er veel gebeuren. Onstabiele wortels door te veel water. Droogtestress door te weinig water. Schade aan de boom.

De TreeTag combineert verschillende sensoren in één handig apparaat om elk van die gebeurtenissen meteen te signaleren.

De TreeTag wordt in de stam bevestigd en combineert sensoren en AI om de groei te meten, de water- en lichtinput bij te houden, beweging te beoordelen of zelfs de koolstofopname te waarderen. Dit apparaat stuurt alle metingen naar de cloud. Bomen hebben hun eigen unieke manier van communiceren en deze sensoren zijn als hun vertalers.


More and more often, as a (landscaping) contractor or ground contractor, you must guarantee that existing trees survive the work well.

Newly planted trees are particularly sensitive during the first 3 years. How do you make the transplanting of a tree a success every time? A timely warning and a phone call to the contractor to adjust irrigation may suffice. 


The TreeTag directly measures growth, which can be compared to standards to prepare for the harvest, identifying phases such as bud formation, flowering, or dormancy.

Growers can analyze potential disruptions caused by pests, diseases, and damage early by observing changes in the transpiration and growth of a plant.

This health assessment also happens on autopilot. Periodic checks become less critical, and no time is lost as there is between two inspections.


Tree monitoring reveals trends on a large scale thanks to LoRaWan connectivity and solar power.

Growth modeling is possible thanks to the combination of a very precise measurement over a long period. The TreeTag stores the measurements, even in the event of a loss of connectivity.

The accurate recording of the diameter increase also provides an objective continuous measurement of carbon sequestration: carbon capture.

Growth and water stress

Measured by the ultra-precise dendrometer

Temperature and humidity

The local environmental parameters at plant level allow for the contextual analysis of the dendrometer value

Innovative energy system

Non-stop measurement thanks to the battery power that is charged with a built-in solar panel

Change in angle

The built-in motion sensor detects dynamic movements of the tree and static changes

Ready to give trees a voice?

We would love to talk about that sometime.

Wondering what a TreeTag system costs? Let us know how many trees you would like to monitor.

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In the meantime we invite you to visit our website.